Ecomat 300
Bussystem AS-Interface
SmartL25 4DI 4DO T C
4 inputs / 4 outputs
Active AS-i module, Mounting on DIN rail, 4 inputs / 4 outputs, String mounting possible, Addressing socket, Version 2.1, Combicon connection, Digital inputs and outputs
IFM AC2251
digital I/O module
Factory sealed
New in original manufacturer’s packaging with intact/unbroken factory seal. The item usually has a current series/version and manufacture date.
Factory Sealed (from surplus)
New in original manufacturer’s packaging with intact/unbroken factory seal.
New in open original or neutral packaging
New in open original packaging or securely packed in neutral packaging.
Used, cleaned and inspected. The item is in very good condition and securely packed in neutral packaging.
Used and refurbished. The item is in very good condition and securely packed in neutral packaging.
Product Specifications*
*Information provided without warranty of any kind
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